Managed data center services include a range of monitored server-related hosting services designed to allow businesses to focus on generating revenue instead of on the hardware and infrastructure that drives their business.

This article will present the essential things about managed data center services for professionals.

Why Managed Data Center Services?

The main reason why companies choose to go with the managed data center solution is that they do not have to worry about managing their infrastructure. This means they do not have to worry about hiring people who can handle these tasks efficiently or even ensuring their employees are well-trained enough to address these issues effectively.

When you opt for managed data center services, you will be able to focus on your core business instead of worrying about your infrastructure management. This will also allow you to concentrate on developing new products or services that can help improve your revenue stream in the long run.

What do Managed Data Center Services do?

Managed data center services are usually a combination of three essential components: facility management, power and cooling, and security.

  • Facility Management. Facility management is a service that provides overall support for the physical building. This includes ensuring that all building areas are kept clean and free from debris, timely resolve for any heating or air conditioning issues and that the entire facility is kept secure at all times.
  • Power and Cooling. Power and green data center cooling is often an afterthought regarding data centers, but they’re essential to any managed data center services package. Suppose you don’t have enough power or cooling capacity to meet your needs. In that case, your equipment will be at risk of failure — which could mean lost productivity for your business and costly repairs or replacements for your IT infrastructure.
  • Security. Security is another vital part of managed data center services packages because it protects your business’s hardware and sensitive data from outside threats like unauthorized access or natural disasters like fires or floods.

The Benefits of Managed Data Center Services

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Data Security – You get 24/7 security for your entire facility with managed data center services. Whether physical security or cybersecurity, your provider will ensure immediate and effective actions on all threats.
  • Hardware & Software Management – A managed data center service provider will also manage your hardware maintenance, upgrades, and replacements so that you don’t have to worry about any hardware failures or crashes. Also, they will handle software updates, so there is no downtime in that case.
  • Power Management – You can’t run a data center without power! Therefore, having someone take care of power management is very important because if there is an outage at any point in time, it can result in a significant loss of business productivity. Having a managed power solution also reduces operating costs.
  • Cost savings – In some cases, hiring in-house staff and equipment can be prohibitively expensive for small businesses or startups with limited capital budgets. Outsourcing your managed data center to an outside provider allows you to focus on your core business while someone else takes care of the back-end infrastructure needs. This also gives you more time to develop new products and services for your company instead of worrying about whether or not your servers are up and running correctly during peak business hours.
  • Scalability – Managed data centers are designed from the ground up to scale with your growing business needs over time without requiring extensive technical modifications by you or your IT department. If your company expands into new markets or acquires other companies with redundant systems, it’s no problem for the managed data center provider since they already have the resources.

Read more about: green data center cooling


For years, people and firms could get data center services from colocation providers that they could rent a space in the data center to house their equipment.

Now, new, different data center services are available, offering to complete IT infrastructure management, including regular monitoring and rapid restoration, should something require emergency attention.

With a managed data center service, you can focus on your business and leave the technical details to the professionals.

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